Eli Lilly Is Putting Dividend Growth Stocks to Shame With Yet Another Huge Increase to Its Payout
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-18 18:11
Dividend investors often prioritize stocks that have long track records for raising their payouts. But that can be a mistake. A long streak doesn't necessarily make a dividend stock a good long-term buy. After all, those increases may only be modest, for the sake of keeping the streak going. And if a company increases its dividend by just one or two percentage points, that's not even going to offset inflation.What Eli Lilly (LLY -0.05%) is doing is far more impressive. The company has been increasing its di ...
Lilly's Kisunla™ (donanemab-azbt) Approved in China for the Treatment of Early Symptomatic Alzheimer's Disease
Prnewswire· 2024-12-18 09:00
China is the fourth major market where Kisunla has received approval Kisunla was first approved in the United States in July 2024, approved in Japan in September 2024 and then in Great Britain in October 2024INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) today announced that the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) in China has approved Kisunla™ (donanemab-azbt, 350 mg/20 mL every four weeks injection for IV infusion), Eli Lilly and Company's (NYSE: LLY) Alzheimer's ...
15 Billion Reasons to Love Eli Lilly Stock Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-17 22:45
Lilly just gave investors more reasons to cheer the company on.Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly (LLY -0.10%) is having a moment right now. Over the last two years the company has made a splash in the weight loss space thanks to its one-two punch of blockbuster diabetes and obesity care medications, Mounjaro and Zepbound.The excitement surrounding the weight loss market has fueled a stock-buying frenzy, propelling Lilly to a market capitalization of roughly $720 billion -- making it the most valuable pharmaceu ...
Eli Lilly: A Rare Buying Opportunity
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-17 19:20
公司增长 - 国际制药巨头礼来公司(NYSE: LLY)在过去几年中表现出强劲的增长 这种增长得益于其强大的产品组合、战略收购和以创新为导向的举措 公司专注于解决全球最严重的医疗问题[1] 分析师背景 - 分析师拥有IT背景 七年前开始管理家庭的投资组合 通过长时间掌握上市公司基本面分析 现在对投资决策非常有信心 分析师的经验塑造了对风险、回报以及两者之间微妙平衡的深刻理解 分析师的文章将清晰精确 避免术语 促进所有经验水平的投资者的可访问性 分析师的IT背景在导航技术股票的复杂性时提供了宝贵的视角 但分析师的知识追求超越了硅谷 涵盖了多样化的行业 并在经济领域发现了有前景的机会[1]
Lilly and EVA Pharma announce regulatory approval and release of locally manufactured insulin in Egypt
Prnewswire· 2024-12-17 19:00
文章核心观点 - 公司通过与EVA Pharma的合作,成功在低至中等收入国家推广了高性价比的胰岛素产品,目标是在2030年前每年为至少100万人提供服务 [1][2][5] 合作背景与目标 - 公司与EVA Pharma的合作始于2022年,旨在通过提供高质量、低成本的人工和模拟胰岛素,每年为至少100万糖尿病患者提供服务,主要集中在非洲的低至中等收入国家 [1][2] - 该合作是Lilly 30x30倡议的一部分,目标是在2030年前每年为3000万资源有限地区的人们提供高质量的医疗服务 [5] 产品与制造 - EVA Pharma通过与公司的合作,获得了胰岛素活性药物成分(API)的供应,并以大幅降低的价格进行技术转移,使其能够生产胰岛素瓶和 cartridges [2] - 在不到两年的时间里,EVA Pharma完成了新的生物制品制造设施,完成了胰岛素配方的最终确定和稳定性测试流程,并与当地监管机构合作获得了胰岛素 glargine 注射液的批准,并发布了首批本地制造的胰岛素药物产品 [3] - EVA Pharma的人胰岛素注射液也已提交当地监管批准,公司与EVA Pharma继续与世界卫生组织(WHO)合作,以确保本地制造的人胰岛素注射液获得WHO预认证,从而确保其符合WHO设定的高质量标准 [4] 公司领导与愿景 - 公司国际执行副总裁兼总裁Ilya Yuffa表示,公司与EVA Pharma的合作进一步推动了其在全球提供可持续和可及药物的承诺,并将继续与全球卫生系统和行业利益相关者合作,解决医疗保健系统的障碍,扩大公平、可负担的药物获取,以改善更多人的生活 [5] - EVA Pharma首席执行官Riad Armanious表示,本地化基本药物是推动医疗保健公平获取的关键,通过大胆的合作、尖端创新和技术驱动的制造,公司与Lilly的合作展示了当共同推动边界时可能实现的目标,并计划每年影响超过100万人的生活 [5] 公司扩展合作 - 公司与EVA Pharma最近扩大了合作,宣布公司将授权某些baricitinib制造技术,使EVA Pharma能够制造和供应治疗非洲56个低至中等收入国家的各种免疫性疾病 [6] 公司概况 - 公司是一家致力于通过科学转化为全球人民带来更好生活的制药公司,拥有近150年的历史,其药物帮助了全球数千万人 [7] - EVA Pharma专注于创新、开发和可持续获取三大核心支柱,利用尖端技术在两个研究中心带来中东和非洲的首创能力,包括从AI预测到生物产品的mRNA研究和开发 [8] - EVA Pharma拥有5000名专业人员的团队,每天生产超过100万种医疗产品,其四个国际认可的创新制造设施已获得多个监管机构的批准 [9] - EVA Pharma的产品组合聚焦于12个治疗领域,以满足本地和国际需求,公司是中东和非洲增长最快的医疗保健公司之一,在70多个国家运营 [10][11]
EMA Panel Endorses Lilly's Omvoh for Expanded Use in Crohn's Disease
ZACKS· 2024-12-16 21:26
Eli Lilly (LLY) announced that the EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (“CHMP”) recommended approving its IL-23p19 antibody Omvoh (mirikizumab) for expanded use in Crohn’s disease (CD).The CHMP has recommended Omvoh to treat adults with moderately to severely active CD, who have had an inadequate response with, lost response to, or are intolerant to conventional or biologic therapies. A final decision from the European Commission is now expected in the next one or two months.This positive r ...
Innovent and Lilly Expand Collaboration Through Agreement on Commercialization Rights for Jaypirca® (pirtobrutinib) in Mainland China
Prnewswire· 2024-12-16 07:55
核心观点 - Innovent Biologics与Eli Lilly达成协议,负责Jaypirca®在中国大陆的进口、营销、分销和推广,而Lilly负责研发和上市后的医学事务。Jaypirca®是全球首个非共价(可逆)BTK抑制剂,已在美国和中国获批用于治疗复发或难治性套细胞淋巴瘤(MCL)患者[1][2][4][6] 产品介绍 - Jaypirca®是一种高度选择性的BTK抑制剂,采用非共价结合机制,能够在接受过共价BTK抑制剂治疗的MCL患者中重新建立BTK抑制,延长BTK通路的靶向治疗效果,满足未被满足的临床需求[2] - Jaypirca®于2023年1月获得美国FDA批准,2024年10月获得中国国家药品监督管理局(NMPA)批准,作为单药治疗至少接受过两种系统治疗(包括BTK抑制剂)的复发或难治性MCL成年患者[2] 研发进展 - Lilly正在进行全球范围的III期临床试验,包括在中国进行的一线治疗和复发或难治性慢性淋巴细胞白血病/小淋巴细胞淋巴瘤(CLL/SLL)以及BTK抑制剂初治的复发或难治性MCL患者,探索单药或联合治疗[3] 合作协议 - Innovent拥有Jaypirca®在中国大陆的独家商业化权利,负责进口、营销、分销和推广,Lilly负责研发和上市后的医学事务[4] - 双方通过合作,利用Innovent在血液肿瘤领域的商业化能力和Lilly在药物开发和科学洞察方面的专业知识,致力于扩大创新治疗方案的获取,改善中国癌症患者的治疗效果[4] 公司战略 - Innovent创始人兼CEO表示,Jaypirca®代表了突破性治疗选择,公司通过与Lilly的长期战略合作,进一步巩固了在血液恶性肿瘤领域的领先地位,并致力于通过合作推动生物制药行业的发展,使一流药物广泛可及[5] - Lilly中国总裁表示,此次合作标志着Lilly在血液肿瘤治疗领域的重要里程碑,通过Innovent的市场影响力和Lilly的研发专长,快速提升Jaypirca®在中国大陆的患者可及性,支持“健康中国2030”倡议[5] 公司背景 - Innovent成立于2011年,致力于为全球患者提供高质量、可负担的生物制药产品,专注于癌症、心血管和代谢、自身免疫和眼科疾病的治疗,已上市12种产品,5种新药申请正在监管审查中,3种处于III期或关键临床试验阶段,17种处于早期临床阶段[9] - Innovent与全球30多家医疗保健公司合作,包括Lilly、Sanofi、Incyte等,通过合作加速创新药物的获取,造福更多患者[9] 合作历史 - Innovent与Lilly自2015年起建立战略合作,共同开发和商业化肿瘤药物,包括Tyvyt®(信迪利单抗注射液)。双方合作不断深化,2022年Lilly授予InnoventCyramza®和Retsevmo®在中国大陆的独家商业化权利,并保留Jaypirca®的优先谈判权,2024年双方正式达成Jaypirca®的商业化协议[8]
2 Brand-New Reasons to Buy Eli Lilly Stock Right Now, and 2 Reasons to Be Cautious
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-16 03:05
As a major pharmaceutical company that is constantly innovating and developing new treatments, Eli Lilly (LLY 0.86%) is always providing investors with additional reasons to consider buying its stock.On the other hand, the nature of its industry means that there will often be solid new reasons to be a bit more cautious about making an investment in it. Here are two new reasons to be in favor of making a purchase, and two yellow flags to consider before doing so.New data and new capital investments are going ...
Did Eli Lilly Just Say "Checkmate" to Novo Nordisk?
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-15 21:17
Eli Lilly (LLY 0.86%) and Novo Nordisk (NVO -1.53%) have competed for decades. They're both leaders in the areas of insulin and broader diabetes drugs, where they've made significant breakthroughs and fought for market share.In recent years, these two healthcare leaders have also been butting heads in the GLP-1 weight loss space. Eli Lilly's Zepbound and Novo Nordisk's Wegovy are the two most prominent brands in this area, which is projected to grow by leaps and bounds in the coming years. Which of these co ...
2 Weight Loss Stocks That Are Screaming Buys in December
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-15 19:40
With drugs like Novo Nordisk's Wegovy becoming household names over the last couple of years, it's no surprise that there are quite a few opportunities to invest in the burgeoning market for weight-loss medicines.There are a pair of businesses that are particularly appealing on the basis of their proven or potential ability to compete in that market. Both of these companies have outperformed the market for at least the last 12 months, and there's ample reason to believe that the outperformance could continu ...