Is Ford a Millionaire-Maker Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-02 22:30
Investors have long overlooked the U.S. automotive industry because of its track record of poor returns. And with shares down around 29% over the last 10 years (not including dividends), Ford Motor Company (F 0.81%) is a quintessential specimen in this lackluster industry. That said, an ambitious pivot to electric vehicles (EVs) could shake things up. Let's explore the pros and cons of Ford to see if it could have millionaire-maker potential. A leaner and meaner Ford Compared to most of its rivals, Ford qui ...
Could Buying Ford Stock Today Set You Up for Life?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-30 18:31
In the past two decades, investors in Ford (F 0.27%) have seen their starting capital rise by just 55% (as of Nov. 25). For comparison's sake, the S&P 500, a bellwether to gauge the performance of stocks overall, has generated a total return of 647% during the same time period.Clearly, Ford hasn't panned out as an effective wealth-building vehicle. But maybe the future will be different. Could this Detroit auto stock, which has lagged the broader market in the past 20 years, set investors up for life? Recen ...
Ford's Rich Dividend Yield, Diversification Remain Tempting
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-30 01:52
I am a full-time analyst interested in a wide range of stocks. With my unique insights and knowledge, I hope to provide other investors with a contrasting view of my portfolio, given my particular background.If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me via a direct message on Seeking Alpha or leave a comment on one of my articles.Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any such positions within the ...
Why Is Ford Motor (F) Up 6.6% Since Last Earnings Report?
ZACKS· 2024-11-28 01:35
It has been about a month since the last earnings report for Ford Motor Company (F) . Shares have added about 6.6% in that time frame, outperforming the S&P 500.Will the recent positive trend continue leading up to its next earnings release, or is Ford Motor due for a pullback? Before we dive into how investors and analysts have reacted as of late, let's take a quick look at its most recent earnings report in order to get a better handle on the important catalysts. Ford Q3 Earnings Match Estimates Ford repo ...
3 Auto Stocks Sliding on Trump Tariff Concerns
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-11-27 03:35
The auto sector is taking a hit today, after President-Elect Donald Trump announced his latest tariff plans, which include a 25% tariff on goods from Mexico and Canada (higher than the proposed blanket tariff of up to 20% on all imports). Investors are considering the interdependence of the auto industry throughout North America, particularly the sale of auto parts through complex supply chains. Today, we're taking a look at how the "Detroit Big Three" are faring after the news.At last check, Ford Motor Co ...
Ford Restructures Europe Operations: Should Investors Stay on Board?
ZACKS· 2024-11-25 22:30
Ford (F) is set to reduce its European workforce by around 4,000 employees, approximately 14% of its regional headcount, citing weak demand for electric vehicles (EVs), insufficient government support for the EV transition and competition from subsidized Chinese automakers. The layoffs, representing 2.3% of Ford's global workforce of 174,000, will primarily impact Germany and the U.K., with 2,900 and 800 positions cut, respectively. The U.S. auto giant plans to complete the layoffs by 2027. The move is part ...
The auto industry is pulling back on its ‘capital junkie' tendencies after unprecedented spending on EVs, self-driving
CNBC· 2024-11-25 19:00
文章核心观点 - 汽车行业正在经历一个资本削减周期,主要由于过去几年在电动汽车和自动驾驶技术上的过度投资,导致成本高企和回报不确定 - 行业内各大公司正在采取措施降低成本,包括裁员、生产削减和与其他公司合作以共享成本 - 尽管如此,汽车行业的资本效率仍然较低,投资回报率远低于科技行业 [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35] Lucid - Lucid于2021年9月28日宣布,其首款面向客户的汽车已在亚利桑那州Casa Grande的工厂开始生产 [1] 汽车行业 - 汽车行业被称为“资本瘾君子”,多年来一直在电动汽车和自动驾驶汽车上进行前所未有的投资,但现在正在进入一个资本削减周期 [2] - 汽车制造商正在努力降低成本和减少开支,原因是经济担忧、数十亿美元浪费在自动驾驶汽车上,以及电动汽车回报的不确定性 [3] - 汽车行业是一个全球性的公司网络,生产数万个零件来组装新车,每次汽车制造商推出新产品或更新现有车型时,都需要大量的资本投资 [5] - 近年来,汽车制造商在自动驾驶和电动汽车技术上的投资加速,大多数投资在短期内几乎没有回报 [6] - 汽车行业的研发和资本支出从2015年的约2000亿美元增加到2023年的2660亿美元,增长了33% [6] - 汽车行业的资本效率较低,投资回报率远低于科技行业,传统主流汽车制造商的ROIC约为7或更低,而科技公司如Alphabet的ROIC约为22 [15] - 汽车行业正在经历一个资本削减周期,主要由于过去几年在电动汽车和自动驾驶技术上的过度投资,导致成本高企和回报不确定 [18] - 汽车行业正在经历一个资本削减周期,主要由于过去几年在电动汽车和自动驾驶技术上的过度投资,导致成本高企和回报不确定 [23] 主要汽车制造商 - 通用汽车和福特正在削减数十亿美元的固定成本,包括裁员数千人,而其他汽车制造商如日产、大众和Stellantis正在采取更激进的措施来减少员工人数和削减开支 [3] - 通用汽车的研发和资本支出从2015年的约127亿美元增加到2023年的206亿美元,增长了62%,尽管同期全球销量下降了38% [7] - 福特和通用在2023年9月在S&P 500非金融公司中,根据其资本支出与市值的比较,分别排名第402和403 [13] - 福特最近取消了三排电动SUV的生产,开发成本约为19亿美元,其中包括4亿美元的产品特定制造资产的减记 [17] - 通用汽车继续投资其陷入困境的自动驾驶汽车部门Cruise,尽管自2016年收购该公司以来已经花费了超过100亿美元 [16] - 通用汽车计划将资本支出保持在约110亿美元,并保持资本支出的纪律性 [24] 电动汽车初创公司 - 电动汽车初创公司Rivian和Lucid自2022年以来分别烧掉了160亿美元和88亿美元,两家公司都在努力提高车辆产量并缩小亏损 [8] - 电动汽车初创公司如Rivian和Lucid正在削减成本并筹集资金以维持运营,因为它们继续在每辆电动汽车上损失数万美元 [25] 资本削减措施 - 日产、大众和Stellantis正在进行大规模的业务重组,包括裁员、生产削减和其他成本节约措施 [18] - 大众正在进行大规模的成本削减计划,包括裁员和可能关闭其在德国的工厂 [20] - 大众预计将花费9亿欧元(约合9.75亿美元)来执行这一转型 [20] - 大众董事长兼CEO Oliver Blume表示,这些行动是为了解决德国汽车制造商多年来存在的问题 [20] - 大众在欧洲的市场需求疲软,中国市场的盈利大幅下降,揭示了大众数十年的结构性问题 [21] - 日产、本田和宝马等公司也将中国市场的下滑归咎于未能达到盈利预期或需要进行重组 [22] - 通用汽车正在重组其在中国的业务,包括与其主要中国合作伙伴上汽进行重新谈判 [22] 合作与合并 - 摩根士丹利分析师Adam Jonas表示,西方汽车制造商正在越来越多地关注资本效率,这意味着可能减少支出、更多合作和重组电动汽车产品组合以优先考虑利润 [4] - 汽车制造商正在通过合作和合并来共享成本,如大众和Rivian、通用和现代的合作 [11][27] - 大众和Rivian与福特的合作在近年来失败,Rivian和福特取消了共同开发电动汽车的计划,大众和福特的自动驾驶汽车合作也没有成功 [30] - Stellantis通过合并Fiat Chrysler和PSA Groupe于2021年成立,尽管去年实现了创纪录的利润,但2024年表现不佳 [31] - Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares表示,公司已经实现了规模化,但仍在努力解决北美市场的问题 [33] - Tavares表示,Stellantis的盈利能力仍然高于Fiat Chrysler和PSA单独运营时的水平 [34] - Tavares提到,Stellantis正在应对“监管混乱”,指的是美国和欧洲对电动汽车和排放的标准 [34] - Tavares表示,Stellantis是实现规模化的具体体现,能够以有意义的方式使用股东的资源 [35]
Ford announces 4K job cut in EU amid 'highly disruptive' shift toward stricter EV emissions standards
Fox Business· 2024-11-22 01:36
Ford Motor Co. expects a major reduction in its European workforce due to stricter emissions standards on electric vehicles, which the company cites as a key factor in its cutbacks. On Wednesday, the automotive giant announced that 4,000 jobs would be slashed across the U.K. and Europe by 2027 amid pressure to reach the European Union's goal of zero emissions by 2035. The loss equates to a 14% cut to the company's workforce in Europe, which, according to the Associated Press, currently stands at about 28,00 ...
OREA Statement on Proposed Pro-Housing Solutions in the Ford Government's Fall 2024 Red Tape Reduction Package
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-11-21 23:00
TORONTO, Nov. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- “Yesterday, the Government of Ontario introduced the Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 within their Fall 2024 Red Tape Reduction Package, which, if passed, will provide better services, keep costs down, and bolster the economy. OREA is pleased to see the Ford Government continuing to address the housing affordability crisis by working to fix administrative backlogs, streamline approvals, and remove barriers to building more homes. Some of these solutions ...
Stalled European Electric Vehicle Sales Trigger 4,000 Job Cuts At Ford
Forbes· 2024-11-21 03:04
福特公司欧洲业务裁员情况 - 福特公司宣布在欧洲业务削减4000个工作岗位裁员将在未来三年进行德国将减少2900人英国减少800人其余300人分布在欧洲其他地区[1][2] - 公司希望到2027年底主要通过自愿方式实现所有裁员[3] 福特公司面临的行业环境 - 福特2023年投入500亿美元开发新的电动汽车系列并扩大现有系列但进展艰难这是不到两年内公司在欧洲的第二轮裁员[4] - 福特及其西方同行面临来自中国相对廉价电动汽车进口的激烈竞争欧盟对中国进口汽车加征关税最高达45.3%[5] - 中国电动汽车年制造产能近300万辆被认为是当前欧盟市场规模的两倍多[6] - 英国汽车制造商如果电动汽车在其总销售额中所占比例不达标将面临每辆车高达15000英镑的罚款且达标比例逐年上升[7] - 英国汽车行业游说团体称英国政府的立场不可持续因为该国电动汽车销售市场份额停滞在18%[8] - 福特对英国和欧洲大陆的此类政策表示担忧其欧洲竞争对手也在遭受利润下降沃尔沃也调整了2030年电动汽车生产目标[9] - 欧洲汽车制造商协会敦促欧盟政策制定者解决与即将到来的2025年目标相关的高昂合规成本[10] - S&P Global数据显示2024年上半年到下半年市场预期发生重大变化该公司大幅下调2025年电池电动汽车市场份额预测从27%降至21%[11]