7 Stocks to Scoop Up as Last Week's CPI Shifts Market Sentiment
InvestorPlace· 2024-05-21 04:30
文章核心观点 - 通胀有所放缓,可能促使美联储提前降息 [1][2] - 降息有利于股市,因为降低了企业融资成本,激励企业投资和扩张 [2] 行业和公司总结 科技行业 - 科技公司如Alphabet、Crowdstrike、Meta Platforms等有望从降息中获益,因为可以更容易获得资金投入业务发展 [3][6][17] - Alphabet的广告业务和云计算业务前景良好,财务表现出色,宣布首次派息 [3][4][5] - Crowdstrike的网络安全业务需求旺盛,业绩表现优异 [6][7][8] - Meta Platforms的广告业务增长强劲,利润率持续提升 [17][18][19] 消费行业 - 餐饮连锁Chipotle受益于较低通胀,价格上涨能力强,业绩表现良好 [10][11][12] - 在线教育公司Duolingo的用户增长和盈利能力持续提升 [13][14][15] 其他行业 - 半导体巨头Broadcom受益于人工智能等新兴技术带来的需求增长,财务表现出色,同时也重视回馈股东 [24][25][26] - 客户关系管理软件公司HubSpot有望从降息中获益,并可能成为Alphabet的收购目标 [20][21][22]
Is It Too Late to Buy Stock in the Newest Member of the $2 Trillion Club?
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-20 01:17
Following an impressive first-quarter earnings report, shares in Alphabet are up big.There are only seven companies in the world with a market capitalization of at least $1 trillion. Among these businesses, only Microsoft, Apple, Nvidia, and Alphabet (GOOG 1.06%) (GOOGL 1.08%) have reached an even more exclusive club.No, I'm not talking about gaining access to the "Magnificent Seven" -- although each of those companies is in that club, too. All four of these tech giants have a market cap of at least $2 tril ...
4 Top Stocks to Tap Nasdaq's New All-Time High
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-15 21:50
The Nasdaq Composite witnessed a robust 2023 and first quarter of 2024. The bull run has also continued into the second quarter despite growing concerns over inflation.On May 14, the tech-heavy Nasdaq ended 0.8% higher to close at a new record high of 16,511.18 points. The index has rallied 10% year to date after jumping 43.4% in 2023 to record its best year since 2020.This year, so far, has been great for Wall Street, with the Dow and the S&P 500 also notching record highs in February. The Nasdaq was a sha ...
Asymmetric Opportunities: Options Trade in Top Ranked Tech Stock
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-15 02:45
Google parent company Alphabet (GOOGL) , reported strong quarterly earnings several weeks ago, crushing estimates and gapping significantly higher.Continued strong growth in key segments like search, YouTube, and cloud computing propelled YoY sales growth back into double digits (13%). Management at Alphabet is extremely excited about the prospects of the AI revolution as it will both enhance productivity at the company and drive continued growth as other companies utilize Alphabet’s products and services.T ...
Alphabet (GOOGL) to Commercialize Project Starline With HP Deal
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-15 00:36
文章核心观点 - Google与惠普公司合作,将于2025年将其3D视频会议技术Project Starline商业化 [1][2] - Starline技术使用先进的计算机视觉、机器学习和实时压缩技术,创造出一个"魔法窗口",让参与者能够进行面对面的互动,感知深度 [3][4] - 这种Starline技术集成到工作场合将促进混合环境中的真实面对面互动,提高视觉注意力、记忆回忆和整体存在感 [4] - 这一合作将有助于Google在远程或混合工作环境中获得广泛应用,增强Google Meet功能,提升Google Cloud业务 [5][7] 行业分析 - 全球视频会议市场预计将从2024年的330.4亿美元增长到2032年的602亿美元,复合年增长率为7.8% [6] - 微软和英伟达也在加强在3D视频会议领域的布局,分别推出Mesh虚拟会议空间和Maxine AI开发者平台 [10][11][12][13][14] 公司分析 - Google Cloud业务在2023年第一季度同比增长28.4%,占总收入的11.9% [8] - 2024年和2025年Google的总收入预计将分别同比增长15.1%和11.5% [9] - Google凭借Starline技术集成有望在远程/混合工作环境中获得更多应用,增强其在视频会议领域的竞争力 [5][7]
Waymo's Robotaxi Fleet Under Investigation After Crashes—In Latest Probe Of Self-Driving Vehicles
Forbes· 2024-05-14 21:49
文章核心观点 - 美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)对Alphabet旗下的Waymo无人驾驶出租车车队启动调查[1][2][3][4] - Waymo的自动驾驶系统在多起事故中表现异常,包括撞击停放的车辆、栅栏和铁链等[2][3] - Waymo在2月份曾因两起碰撞事故而召回其无人驾驶出租车车队,进行软件升级[5] - 近期针对自动驾驶系统的监管调查有所增加,涉及特斯拉、Cruise、福特等公司[7] 公司概况 - Waymo是Alphabet旗下公司,今年成为首家开展公共无人驾驶出租车服务的公司[8] - Waymo表示将继续配合NHTSA的调查,并对公司的安全记录感到自豪[6] 行业动态 - 自动驾驶系统的监管审查近期有所增加,涉及多家公司[7] - 特斯拉、Cruise、福特等公司的自动驾驶系统也曾遭遇监管调查[7] - 通用汽车的自动驾驶部门Cruise曾暂停运营,后于上月恢复测试[7]
How OpenAI Trimmed $50 Billion off Alphabet's Market Cap on Monday
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-13 23:58
Will OpenAI introduce a new product that can threaten Google?The market is up today, but Alphabet (GOOG -1.47%) (GOOGL -1.58%) shares traded as much as 2.8% lower in early trading, cutting more than $50 billion off the company's valuation. The stock recovered slightly but it was still down 2% at 11 a.m. ET.OpenAI stirs the potArtificial intelligence (AI) rival OpenAI is holding an event at 1 p.m. ET today and is expected to release a new product. But it's not clear what that product will be after CEO Sam Al ...
Here's how much Michael Burry is up on his Google bet
Finbold· 2024-05-13 16:56
In recent months, and particularly after he closed his controversial 2023 bet against the semiconductor industry, Michael Burry’s similarly contentious Alibaba (NYSE: BABA) bet – technically the single largest holding in his portfolio – has taken the bulk of attention.Despite the struggling investment which has seen the stock continuously remain below the purchase price, ‘The Big Short’ investors took a significant number of winning long positions, particularly during the ‘buying spree’ in last year’s final ...
4 Top-Performing Liquid Stocks to Boost Portfolio Returns
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-10 20:06
文章核心观点 - 高流动性股票可能有利于投资者获得健康收益 [1][2] - 高流动性可能表示公司无法有效利用资产 [3][4] - 投资者需要同时考虑公司的流动性和效率水平 [4] 识别流动性股票的指标 流动性指标 - 流动比率: 衡量公司短期偿债能力,理想范围为1-3 [5] - 速动比率: 衡量公司短期偿债能力,大于1为理想 [6] - 现金比率: 衡量公司使用最流动资产偿还债务的能力,大于1为理想 [7] 其他指标 - 资产利用率: 衡量公司效率,高于行业平均水平为有效 [8] - 增长评分: 确保流动性和高效率的股票具有良好的增长潜力 [9] 筛选标准 - 流动性指标(流动比率、速动比率、现金比率)在1-3之间 [10] - 资产利用率高于行业平均水平 [10] - 获得Zacks第1级评级(强烈买入) [10] - 增长评分为A或B级 [11] 优质流动性股票案例 - Netflix (NFLX): 在流媒体行业占主导地位,但面临激烈竞争 [13] - Alphabet (GOOGL): 在云计算、广告等领域表现出色,但网络广告业务和云计算竞争压力存在 [14] - Spotify (SPOT): 音乐流媒体服务增长迅速,正在拓展业务 [15] - Vimeo (VMEO): 视频软件解决方案提供商,业绩有望改善 [16]
Reports Suggest Google Is Still Pursuing HubSpot. Here's What It Means for Investors.
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-10 18:45
谣言称Alphabet可能收购HubSpot - 谣言称谷歌母公司Alphabet可能收购客户关系管理(CRM)专家HubSpot,这可能是Alphabet历史上最大的收购交易[1],[2] - 若Alphabet收购HubSpot,将有助于扩大谷歌的企业客户群体,获得更多中小型企业客户,同时有望增加对Google Cloud的需求[5],[6] HubSpot的业绩表现和潜在收购价格 - HubSpot作为一个引人注目的收购目标,其扩张战略取得了巨大成功,2023年收入增长25%,订阅收入增长26%,且运营现金流为3.51亿美元,显示未来盈利可能性[3],[4] - HubSpot的股价表现出色,自2014年IPO以来股价上涨2260%,预计公司将在今年实现盈利,这可能导致收购价格高达400亿美元,成为Alphabet历史上最大的收购交易[7],[8] 监管机构和投资者关注 - 若Alphabet真的收购HubSpot,可能会引起监管机构的关注,但由于业务与Alphabet核心业务有所不同,可能不会引发反垄断担忧[9],[10] - 目前尚未有任何公司确认或否认收购谈判的存在,投资者应保持关注,因为这可能会对投资产生影响[11],[12]