Google-Anthropic Partnership Gets UK Antitrust Regulator Approval· 2024-11-20 03:01
The UK’s competition watchdog has cleared Google’s partnership with Anthropic.The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) said Tuesday (Nov. 19) that it had determined that the deal between the tech giant and the artificial intelligence (AI) startup did not warrant additional investigation.“The CMA does not believe that Google has acquired material influence over Anthropic as a result of the partnership,” the regulator said in its assessment of the arrangement, which came after a review of “a significant vo ...
Google slates ‘radical' DoJ over speculation of forced Chrome sale
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-11-20 02:17
About this content About Josh Lamb After graduating from the University of Kent in the summer of 2022 with a degree in History, Josh joined Proactive later that year as a journalist in the UK editorial team. Josh has reported on a range of areas whilst at Proactive, including energy companies during a time of global crisis, aviation and airlines as the sector recovers from the pandemic, as well as covering economic, social and governance issues. Read more About the publisher Proactive financial news and ...
What's at Stake for Alphabet as DOJ Eyes Google's Chrome· 2024-11-20 02:15
Shares of Google's parent company Alphabet (GOOGL) are higher Tuesday. The upside comes even as reports swirl that antitrust officials at the Department of Justice (DOJ) have asked a federal judge to force Google to sell its Chrome web browser.According to Bloomberg Law, which cites people familiar with the plans, top regulators at the DOJ have asked federal Judge Amit Mehta to force Alphabet's Google to sell Chrome, the world's most popular web browser, because it "represents a key access point through whi ...
Google May Be Asked to Sell Chrome Browser by DOJ
CNET· 2024-11-19 23:02
The Department of Justice will recommend to a federal judge that Google sell its Chrome browser business as part of its ongoing search monopoly case, Bloomberg reports..This comes months after a judge ruled that Google, owned by Alphabet, violated antitrust law by illegally maintaining a monopoly in search. By ensuring its own search engine is the default choice on devices, Google is denying rival search engines the opportunity to compete, and therefore denying people the ability to experience alternatives, ...
Why Alphabet Stock Dips Are the Perfect Time to Invest
MarketBeat· 2024-11-19 22:30
A couple of weeks ago, investors celebrated an overall rally due to the United States presidential election. However, a few days later, markets cooled off to show investors a potential rotation in themes, away from a potential resurgence in inflation and very quickly down to what might look like a recession. The camp is still divided between a recession and inflation comebacks. Alphabet TodayGOOGAlphabet$175.34 -1.46 (-0.83%) 52-Week Range$129.40▼$193.31Dividend Yield0.46%P/E Ratio23.25Price Target$200.56A ...
US DOJ Plans to Push Google to Sell Chrome, According to Reports
Investopedia· 2024-11-19 21:40
核心观点 - 美国司法部准备请求法官考虑让Alphabet旗下的谷歌剥离其Chrome浏览器 同时还将要求与谷歌人工智能和安卓智能手机操作系统相关的措施[1][2][4] 相关目录总结 事件进展 - 周二有报道称美国司法部准备请求法官让谷歌剥离Chrome浏览器 此报道距离司法部提交重组谷歌框架的文件过去了一个月[1][2] - 华尔街日报报道司法部周三将提交法庭文件 若谷歌不限制其移动产品与搜索引擎的捆绑使用 则要求其剥离Chrome浏览器或安卓移动操作系统 同时寻求终止谷歌每年向苹果等合作伙伴支付数十亿美元使谷歌搜索引擎成为默认浏览器的行为[3] - 彭博社报道司法部将要求联邦法官Amit Mehta采取与谷歌人工智能和安卓智能手机操作系统相关的措施 反垄断官员和一些州计划周三建议Mehta实施数据许可要求[4] 背景信息 - 法官Amit Mehta在8月裁定谷歌非法垄断搜索市场 谷歌称将上诉[4][5] - 谷歌监管事务副总裁称司法部推行激进议程 远超案件法律问题 政府这样做会损害消费者、开发者和美国的技术领导地位[5] 市场反应 - 无法立即联系到司法部置评 Alphabet股票在盘前交易中下跌0.6% 但今年截至周一上涨超过四分之一[6]
UK competition regulator clears Alphabet's investment in Anthropic
TechCrunch· 2024-11-19 20:32
英国竞争与市场管理局(CMA)对Alphabet与Anthropic合作投资的态度 - CMA已批准Alphabet与AI竞争对手Anthropic的合作和投资 认为其不符合现行并购条例下的调查资格 [1] - 此公告发布于CMA对谷歌母公司在Anthropic的多项投资展开正式“第一阶段”调查的一个月后Anthropic是一家位于旧金山成立三年的初创公司 开发大型语言模型(LLM)和名为Claude的聊天机器人 [2] - Alphabet去年初已向Anthropic投资3亿美元 随后又投资20亿美元Anthropic还吸引了亚马逊等科技巨头投资 亚马逊投资了40亿美元CMA也曾调查过亚马逊与Anthropic的合作关系 但由于交易规模和范围 在9月得出与现在对Alphabet相同的结论 即无法根据现行并购规则对该交易进行调查 [3] 关于“准合并”调查 - 这些调查是对所谓“准合并”多管齐下调查的一部分 大型科技公司通过雇佣初创公司创始人及人才 进行战略投资等方式来控制新兴创新者 [4] CMA对Alphabet与Anthropic合作关系影响力的判定 - CMA表示不认为谷歌因合作关系对Anthropic获得了实质性影响力 具体考虑了双方商业关系是否意味着谷歌能在董事会层面施加影响 以及对谷歌基础设施(如云计算资源)的技术依赖是否会影响竞争 [5] - CMA指出现有证据未表明谷歌有能力通过合作关系对Anthropic行使实质性影响力 [6]
US justice department plans to push Google to sell off Chrome browser
The Guardian· 2024-11-19 20:08
US justice department officials plan to ask a judge to force Google to sell off its Chrome browser to dismantle the monopoly it has over the internet search market, in a major intervention against one of the world’s biggest tech companies.The Department of Justice (DoJ) last month filed court papers saying it is considering enforcing “structural remedies” to prevent Google from using some its products.The DoJ will reportedly push for Google, which is owned by Alphabet, to sell the browser and also ask a jud ...
US to call for Google to sell Chrome browser: Report
Techxplore· 2024-11-19 16:46
文章核心观点 - 美国将敦促法官让谷歌母公司字母表出售其广泛使用的Chrome浏览器这一反垄断举措 [2] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 美国政府反垄断举措 - 美国司法部反垄断官员将要求谷歌出售Chrome浏览器并对其业务其他方面进行整改 [2] - 10月时司法官员就表示会要求谷歌对其业务模式做出深刻改变甚至考虑拆分 [3] - 政府考虑的“结构性”改变包括要求谷歌剥离其安卓操作系统或Chrome浏览器 [3] 行业反应 - 行业贸易组织进步商会首席执行官称司法官员的要求是“荒诞的”且不符合法律标准并呼吁针对性的补救措施 [5] - 谷歌当时称拆分想法是“激进的” [5] 谷歌业务情况 - 谷歌与智能手机制造商包括苹果有涉及大笔付款的协议以确保其搜索引擎为浏览器iPhone和其他设备的默认选项 [7] - 这种安排让谷歌能获取用户数据使其搜索引擎成为全球主导平台并借此扩张其科技帝国到Chrome浏览器地图和安卓系统等 [7] - 2020年谷歌控制着90%的美国在线搜索市场在移动设备上份额更高达95% [8] 可能的补救措施 - 要求谷歌向竞争对手提供搜索数据也在考虑范围内 [6] - 补救措施包括限制谷歌人工智能获取网站数据以及禁止安卓系统与公司其他产品捆绑 [8] 法律程序 - 不管法官最终决定如何谷歌预计会对裁决提出上诉这可能会使流程拖延数年甚至可能上诉到美国最高法院 [6]
Justice Department Will Request Judge Order Google To Sell Chrome In Antitrust Case, Report Says
Forbes· 2024-11-19 09:04
ToplineThe Justice Department will soon request a federal judge order Google to sell its Chrome web browser, according to Bloomberg, marking the latest development in an antitrust case against Google after a judge ruled this summer the tech giant illegally maintained a search monopoly.A final ruling in the antitrust case against Google is slated for August 2025. (Photo by Silas ... [+] Stein/picture alliance via Getty Images)dpa/picture alliance via Getty Images Key FactsThe department will recommend federa ...