Restaurant365 Honored by Goldman Sachs for Entrepreneurship
Prnewswire· 2024-10-18 21:01
CEO and Co-Founder Tony Smith Among the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs at 2024 Builders and Innovators SummitIRVINE, Calif., Oct. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) is recognizing Restaurant365 CEO and Co-Founder Tony Smith as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2024 at its Builders and Innovators Summit in Healdsburg, California.Goldman Sachs selected Smith from multiple industries to be honored at the two-day event.Smith's career has centered on using software to solve busine ...
Kong CEO Augusto Marietti Honored by Goldman Sachs as 'Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs' 2024
Prnewswire· 2024-10-17 21:30
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Augusto Marietti, the CEO and co-founder of Kong Inc., a leading developer of cloud API technologies, was recognized once again by Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) as one of the Most Exceptional Entrepreneurs of 2024 at its Builders and Innovators Summit in Healdsburg, California. Goldman Sachs selected Mr. Marietti from multiple industries to be honored at the two-day event.Mr. Marietti is an inventor, technology entrepreneur, and angel investor. As the CEO and co-founde ...
Goldman Sachs' Q3 Report Impresses Analysts With Strong Investment Banking, Trading Revenues
Benzinga· 2024-10-17 01:24
Goldman Sachs Group Inc GS reported on Tuesday upbeat earnings for its third quarter.The company reported its results amid an exciting earnings season. Here are some key analyst takeaways.Oppenheimer On Goldman SachsAnalyst Chris Kotowski reiterated an Outperform rating while raising the price target from $577 to $614.Goldman Sachs reported earnings of $8.40 per share, beating consensus of $6.89 per share, with core operating earnings of around $9.02 per share, Kotowski said in a note. "This, in turn, would ...
Things are looking up for Wall Street, and Goldman's third-quarter results show why
Business Insider· 2024-10-16 03:23
文章核心观点 - 高盛第三季度利润大涨45%,反映了华尔街并购交易的复苏势头 [1][2][3] - 高盛CEO表示,利率下降、经济强劲以及企业融资需求增加,都将推动未来并购活动的增长 [4] - 高盛认为,并购市场仍有很大的增长空间,可能出现"并购超级周期" [4] - 除并购外,低利率还可能带动企业贷款、IPO和股票发行等其他业务的复苏 [4] 行业和公司总结 行业概况 - 华尔街并购交易出现复苏迹象,高盛等投行从中获益 [1][2][3] - 利率下降、经济强劲以及企业融资需求增加,将推动未来并购活动的增长 [4] - 并购市场仍有很大的增长空间,可能出现"并购超级周期" [4] - 除并购外,低利率还可能带动企业贷款、IPO和股票发行等其他业务的复苏 [4] 高盛表现 - 高盛第三季度利润大涨45%,达到29.9亿美元 [1][2] - 收入增长7%,达到127亿美元 [2] - 业绩超出分析师预期,反映了高盛在并购顾问、股票和债券承销等核心业务的增长 [3]
As Consumer Banking Retreats, Goldman Eyes Deeper Dive Into Corporate Markets
PYMNTS.com· 2024-10-16 01:54
As is always the case when Wall Street heavy hitters weigh in with earnings, the markets and financial trade publications parse the data and management commentary for insight on investment banking. For Goldman Sachs, the latest earnings report on Tuesday (Oct. 15) offered variations on a recurring theme: as the shift away from Main Street progresses, the goal of massing an even greater Wall Street — and corporate lending — presence continues.CEO David Solomon noted on the earnings call with analysts that gr ...
Goldman Sachs Stock Hits Record High on Upbeat Earnings
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-10-16 01:46
Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS) reported strong third-quarter results before the open this morning, with profits jumping 45% to earnings of $8.40 per share. Investment banking and stock trading revenue gave earnings a boost, while CEO David Solomon cited an “improving operating environment."GS initially soared to a record high of $540.51 after the event this morning, though it's pulled back since then -- last seen down 0.5% at $520.32. Year to date, the equity is up 35.3%, with its two larger pullbacks ov ...
Goldman Sachs(GS) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-10-16 01:38
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第三季度净收入122.7亿美元,同比增长7% [12] - 每股收益8.40美元,同比增长54% [12] - 净资产收益率10.4%,净有形资产收益率11.1% [12] - 这些业绩受到一些特殊项目的影响,包括缩小消费者业务,拖累净资产收益率80个基点 [12] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 全球银行和市场 - 投行顾问收入875百万美元,环比和同比均有增长 [13] - 股权承销收入385百万美元,同比增长25% [13] - 债券承销收入605百万美元,同比增长46% [13] - 投行业务总承揽订单环比有所增加,主要来自顾问业务 [13] - 固定收益业务净收入30亿美元,同比有所下降,但9月份活动有明显回升 [14] - 固定收益融资收入949百万美元,同比增长30% [14] - 股票业务净收入35亿美元,同比增长18% [14] - 股票融资收入13亿美元,同比有所增长 [14] 资产与财富管理 - 总收入38亿美元,同比增长16% [15] - 管理和其他费用以及私人银行和贷款收入达到创纪录的34亿美元 [15] - 管理和其他费用增长3%至26亿美元 [15] - 私人银行和贷款收入环比有所增长至7.56亿美元 [15] - 激励性费用为0.85亿美元,公司预计中期内达到10亿美元目标 [16] - 权益和债务投资收益2.94亿美元 [16] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 资产管理总规模达到创纪录的3.1万亿美元 [17] - 流动性产品净流入370亿美元,长期净流入290亿美元 [17] - 另类资产管理规模3,280亿美元,管理和其他费用5.27亿美元 [17] - 第三方募资160亿美元,年初至今超过500亿美元 [17] - 公司继续减少历史主要投资组合,本季度减少17亿美元至109亿美元 [17] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司继续缩小消费者业务规模,这对净资产收益率产生80个基点的拖累 [12] - 公司在全球银行和市场业务保持领先地位,为客户提供优质服务 [4][5] - 资产与财富管理业务保持强劲增长势头,管理资产规模和更持久的收入来源不断增加 [6][8][15] - 公司看好未来几年资产管理业务的高单位数增长 [8] - 公司在私人信贷等另类资产管理领域保持领先地位,并计划进一步扩大在该领域的投资 [60][81][84] - 公司在监管环境不确定的情况下保持谨慎,维持较高的资本缓冲以应对未来不确定性 [88] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 美国经济保持韧性,通胀有所下降,失业率数据支持性较强 [9] - 尽管消费者行为有所疲软,但管理层近期与客户的对话氛围相当乐观 [9] - 利率下降周期的开始为经济活动的增加带来了更多乐观情绪 [9] - 客户高度关注各地区利率走势、政治选举对政策的影响以及地缘政治不稳定性 [10] - 公司有信心通过经济周期为股东提供良好回报 [11][21][22] 其他重要信息 - 公司继续关注监管环境的不确定性,对即将出台的巴塞尔协议修订方案表示担忧 [10][20] - 公司认为过于严格的资本要求将增加企业和个人的信贷成本,对经济增长产生影响 [11] - 公司将继续积极参与监管政策制定过程,争取达成有利于行业和经济发展的最终方案 [11][20] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Glenn Schorr 提问** 询问公司在监管环境不确定的情况下,交易业务的表现和前景 [23] **David Solomon 回答** - 公司长期以来一直在适应不同的监管环境,并保持灵活应变的能力 [24][25][26] - 公司在交易业务方面拥有领先的全球性平台,为客户提供差异化的服务,具有较强的抗风险能力 [24][25][26] - 交易业务的表现与全球经济增长和市场资本增长高度相关,公司有信心长期保持竞争优势 [26] 问题2 **Ebrahim Poonawala 提问** 询问非银行交易场所进入固定收益市场对公司业务的影响 [31] **David Solomon 回答** - 公司股票业务面临了大量竞争,但仍保持领先地位,这得益于公司为客户提供全方位整合服务的能力 [32][33] - 新进入者可能会赢得部分业务,但公司作为大型流动性提供商和客户融资方在生态系统中的地位仍然重要 [33][34] - 公司有信心凭借自身的客户关系和执行能力,在未来保持领先地位 [33][34] 问题3 **Christian Bolu 提问** 询问公司交易业务的市场份额情况及未来竞争格局 [39] **David Solomon 回答** - 公司在过去5年里大幅提升了市场份额,未来会继续保持领先地位 [40][41] - 交易业务一直存在竞争,但公司凭借深厚的客户关系和一体化的服务优势,有信心保持竞争力 [40][41]
Goldman Q3 Earnings Beat on Higher IB Revenues & Lower Expenses
ZACKS· 2024-10-16 01:15
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.’s (GS) third-quarter 2024 adjusted earnings per share of $8.40 surpassed the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $6.85. This compares favorably with $5.47 reported in the year-ago quarter.Find the latest earnings estimates and surprises on the Zacks Earnings Calendar.As expected, the investment banking (IB) business witnessed a solid growth. Equity underwriting fees jumped 25% and debt underwriting fees grew 45.8%. Also, advisory fees rose 5.3%. Overall, total IB fees were up 20% from ...
Goldman Sachs' Core Business Strength And Future EPS Growth Has Upside, Analyst Says After Q3 Performance
Benzinga· 2024-10-16 01:13
J.P. Morgan analyst Kian Abouhossein expressed the view on Goldman Sachs Group Inc.‘s GS third quarter financial results.Today, the company reported revenue of $12.70 billion, beating the consensus of $11.87 billion, and EPS of $8.40, beating the consensus of $7.03.In the conference call, CEO David Solomon highlighted strong client demand and a rising deal backlog and expects alternative fundraising to exceed $60 billion in 2024.He noted the firm remained below 10-year averages for equity and M&A volumes an ...
Stock Of The Day: Goldman Sachs Blows Away Earnings, But Stock May Be Due For A Pullback
Benzinga· 2024-10-16 01:13
There are numerous types of trading and investing strategies on Wall Street. Many utilize statistics and probability theory to gain insight and make decisions.Some are based on the concept of reversion to the mean. This is why The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. GS is our Stock of the Day. There is a good chance that it reverses and heads lower.The shares traded higher on Tuesday because Goldman blew away earnings estimates. The company stated that it earned $8.40 per share, which was well ahead of the Street's e ...