BHP Profit Trimmed After Bruising Asset Value Write Downs
Forbes· 2024-08-27 08:32
Hefty write-downs bruised an otherwise strong profit for the year to June 30 by BHP, the world's biggest mining company. Before writing down $2.7 billion on its mothballed nickel business and providing a charge of $3.8 billion for the 2015 failure of the Samarco dam at a Brazilian iron ore mine, BHP's underlying profit was up 2% at $13.7 billion. But after the write-offs the full year profit was down 39% at $7.9 billion, earned from a 3% increase in revenue at $55.7 billion. The Australian-based miner also ...
BHP invests $350,000 to support the Regina Food Bank in the fight against hunger and to help advance reconciliation efforts
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-21 22:09
REGINA, Saskatchewan, Aug. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Regina Food Bank and BHP are pleased to announce a partnership to ensure the financial sustainability and programming impact of the recently created BMO ASAHTOWIKAMIK Food Hub. Through the partnership BHP will invest $350,000, designating BHP as the reconciliation partner. Funds will go towards the food sovereignty programme and a mural in the Food Hub created by local Indigenous artist Chantel Yuzicappi, from Standing Buffalo First Nation in Treat ...
BHP Faces A Trans-Pacific Organized Labor Costs Squeeze
Forbes· 2024-08-14 09:50
文章核心观点 - 全球最大矿业公司BHP正面临来自澳大利亚和智利矿工的成本压力 [1][2] - 工会要求提高工资和改善工作条件,可能会影响BHP未来的利润 [3][4] - 尽管本财年利润预计只下降3.7%,但未来几年可能会受到更高的劳动力成本影响 [5][6] 行业和公司总结 铜矿业务 - BHP的智利铜矿首先受到工人需求的影响,已经导致加拿大Lundin Mining的Caserone铜矿发生罢工 [8][9] - 铜矿是BHP第二大利润来源,占公司年度收益的25% [10] 铁矿业务 - 铁矿业务是BHP最赚钱的部门,占公司65%的利润 [10] - 澳大利亚新的工会法律使工会能够要求集体谈判,即使只有少数工人是其成员,这可能导致BHP铁矿重新被工会化 [11][12][13] - 工会要求每年至少5%的工资涨幅,以及提高技工工资和改善工作时间安排 [14] - 铁矿价格预计将下跌,这可能会加剧工会与管理层的矛盾 [15][16][17] - 其他澳大利亚铁矿企业如力拓和淡水河谷也可能面临类似的工会问题 [18]
McEwen Copper Update, Excitement in Argentina: Milei Magic Is Turbocharging Foreign Investments; US$4.4 Billion Copper Transaction by BHP and Lundin Mining; Los Azules Infill Drilling Confirmed High Grade Copper Zone
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-09 06:10
文章核心观点 - 公司正在积极推进洛斯阿苏莱斯铜矿项目的开发,该项目位于阿根廷圣胡安省 [1][2][18] - 阿根廷政府最近出台了鼓励大型国内外投资的新法规,为该项目的开发创造了有利条件 [1][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] - 公司最近的钻探工作取得了良好进展,确认了矿体的高品位区域,为可行性研究提供了支持 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][11][12] 根据目录分别总结 新法规带来的利好 - 阿根廷政府出台了"阿根廷人自由基础和起点"法案,其中包括了大型投资者激励计划(RIGI),提供了诸多税收和外汇优惠 [19][20][21][22][23][24][25] - 该法案被认为能够解决过去制约阿根廷矿业发展的主要障碍,为公司的项目带来显著改善 [1] 钻探结果总结 - 公司在2023-2024年钻探季度完成了7万米的钻探,结果显示矿体的地质模型得到验证,高品位区域得到确认 [1][2] - 部分钻孔揭示了较高品位的富集区域,如AZ24375孔段出现217米1.11%Cu,包括100米1.32%Cu [3][5] - 其他几个代表性钻孔也都获得了较好的结果,如AZ24403孔段276米0.86%Cu,包括160米0.96%Cu [7][9] - 这些结果为可行性研究提供了支持,有助于将资源量转换为可信的储量 [1][2] 地质模型解释 - 该矿床的地质特征包括早期和中期矿化的斑岩岩脉和热液岩浆角砾岩,切穿了一个较早的闪长岩侵入体 [15][16] - 不同岩性中的铜矿化程度存在差异,从上到下依次为氧化带、次生富集带和原生带 [16] - 次生富集作用使早期斑岩和相关热液角砾岩中的品位有所提高,为可采选矿提供了主要源 [16]
BHP, Lundin, Integra on the hunt for copper and gold projects
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-07-31 03:46
Mining M&A is heating up with strategic moves to consolidate operations and strengthen market positions in the copper and gold sectors. BHP and Lundin will form a 50/50 joint venture to manage the Filo del Sol and Josemaria projects in Argentina and Chile. BHP's significant investment underscores the company's confidence in the long-term prospects of copper. The deal is relatively smaller compared to previous industry megadeals, like Barrick Gold's $7.3 billion acquisition of Equinox Minerals in 2011. Howev ...
BHP and Lundin Mining to acquire Filo Corp. and form a 50/50 joint venture to progress the Filo del Sol and Josemaria projects
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-30 08:00
TORONTO, July 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BHP and Lundin Mining Corporation (Lundin Mining) have agreed to jointly acquire 100% of Filo Corp., a Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) listed company, through a Canadian plan of arrangement (Filo Acquisition). Filo Corp. owns 100% of the Filo del Sol (FDS) copper project. Mike Henry, Chief Executive Officer of BHP said: This transaction aligns with BHP's strategy to acquire attractive early-stage copper projects and enter into strategic partnerships with parties where ...
BHP Reports Record Iron Ore Production in FY24, Copper Up 9%
ZACKS· 2024-07-18 01:15
文章核心观点 - 公司在2024财年取得了铁矿石、铜和镍的产量增长 [1][3][5][9] - 公司的能源煤和冶金煤产量表现不佳 [10][11][12] - 公司的商品价格变化不一 [13][14] - 公司公布了2025财年的产量指引 [15][16] - 公司完成了部分资产的剥离交易 [17] - 公司暂时中止了部分镍业务的运营 [19] - 同行业公司如Vale和Rio Tinto的产量表现也有所变化 [20][21][22][23] - 公司股价表现不及行业整体 [24][25] 根据目录分类的总结 铁矿石业务 - 公司铁矿石产量在2024财年创下新高,达到260Mt,增长1% [1][3] - 西澳铁矿石业务(WAIO)产量创新高,达到255Mt(100%基础) [3] - 南弗兰克项目已完成产能爬升至80Mtpa(100%基础) [4] 铜业务 - 公司铜产量在2024财年创15年新高,达到1,865kt,增长9% [5][6][7][8] - 埃斯孔迪达铜矿产量增加7%,但帕姆帕诺特产量下降8% [6][7] - 斯潘斯铜矿创下产量纪录,达到255kt [7] - 南澳铜业务产量增加39% [8] - 安塔米纳铜矿产量增加4% [8] 镍业务 - 公司镍产量在2024财年增加2%,达到81.6kt [9] - 公司决定暂时中止西澳镍业务的运营 [19] 煤炭业务 - 公司能源煤产量在2024财年增加8%,达到15.4Mt [11] - 公司冶金煤产量在2024财年下降23%,达到22.3Mt [12] - 公司剥离了部分冶金煤资产 [17] 价格表现 - 公司铁矿石、铜价格在2024财年有所上涨,但煤炭价格下降 [13][14] 产量指引 - 公司公布了2025财年的产量指引 [15][16] 资产交易 - 公司完成了部分冶金煤资产的剥离交易 [17] 暂时中止业务 - 公司决定暂时中止西澳镍业务的运营 [19] 同行业表现 - 同行业公司如Vale和Rio Tinto的产量表现也有所变化 [20][21][22][23] 股价表现 - 公司股价表现不及行业整体 [24][25]
The 3 Best Copper Mining Stocks to Buy Now: July Edition
Investor Place· 2024-07-10 18:05
When analysts discuss mining and resource extraction, copper tends to receive less attention due to its less obvious applications and importance to several industries. But with the way several technologies are heading, including robotics and manufacturing, copper could become just as central to the global economy as lithium or steel. Just like these commodities saw associated company stocks rise in times of technological advancement, so too could copper mining stocks. Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) Up 22% year-to-d ...
Rio Tinto Vs. BHP: Only One High-Yield Miner Is A Buy
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-09 19:04
文章核心观点 - 比较了两家领先的全球多元化矿业公司Rio Tinto和BHP,认为Rio Tinto更值得买入[1] - Rio Tinto的业务组合更有利于未来需求增长,资本配置政策也更有利于股东回报[2][3][5][6][7][8][9] 公司业务组合 - Rio Tinto主要业务包括铁矿石、铜、铝及相关产品,业务多元化[2][3] - BHP的业务除了铁矿石和铜,还包括煤炭,这可能不利于长期发展[4] - Rio Tinto的铜业务主要来自世界最大铜矿Escondida,成本优势明显[2] - Rio Tinto的铝及相关业务也是其重要组成部分[3] 资本配置 - Rio Tinto更注重股东回报,股息率高于BHP[6][7] - Rio Tinto近年来更注重股份回购,体现了更好的资本配置纪律[7] - Rio Tinto不太可能进行大规模并购,更注重内部技术投资[8][9] 风险因素 - 两家公司都面临中国经济放缓和地缘政治风险,对其业务有重大影响[10][11] - 整体经济下行也可能对这些公司造成冲击[11]
7 High-Yield Dividend Stocks That Work While You Sleep
Investor Place· 2024-06-04 18:00
Although seemingly most of the celebrated ideas on financial publications center on high-growth plays, investors should spare some thought toward high-yield dividend stocks. In particular, I'm referring to stable or relevant enterprises that offer considerable passive income. No, you shouldn't abandon your growth game. However, these ideas are likely working on commission. They're great when things are going well but what happens when the rain falls? You need some reassurances that you're going to get paid ...