Got $5,000? 3 Dirt Cheap Stocks to Buy Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-13 20:30
文章核心观点 - 寻找当前股价低于预期未来利润14倍的优质成长股可能带来长期显著收益 [1][2] - 三只潜在的长期投资标的为辉瑞(Pfizer)、思科(Cisco)和百度(Baidu) [2] 辉瑞(Pfizer) - 辉瑞目前股价低于其未来预期收益11倍,股息率高达5.7% [3] - 辉瑞面临收入增长挑战,包括新冠疫苗和药物收入下降,以及多个主要药品专利到期 [3] - 辉瑞正通过并购等方式来增强管线,如收购Seagen进军肿瘤药物领域 [3] - 辉瑞仍有望保持约600亿美元的年收入规模,长期增长空间较大 [4] 思科(Cisco) - 思科股价今年下跌4%,市盈率仅14倍,估值较低 [5] - 思科主营业务为帮助企业安全上网和维护关键IT基础设施,收购Splunk有助于增强网络安全能力 [5][6] - 尽管近期收入有所下滑,但随着人工智能技术发展,企业对路由器、网络设备等需求将增加,思科有望从中受益 [6] - 思科股息率达3.28%,被视为相对较安全的科技股 [6] 百度(Baidu) - 由于地缘政治风险和监管不确定性,百度股价估值较低,市盈率不到8倍,市净率仅0.8倍 [8] - 百度被视为中国版的Alphabet,经营搜索引擎等多元化业务,并拥有AI聊天机器人Ernie [8] - 近期百度增长乏力,与中国经济不景气有关,但长期来看仍有较大增长潜力 [9] - 投资百度存在一定风险,但也可能带来显著回报 [9]
A Tale of Two Titans: Unveiling the Value in Baidu and
MarketBeat· 2024-09-12 21:45
文章核心观点 - 过去几年,中国公司在美国上市的股价一直低迷,主要受到中美关系紧张和中国经济前景不确定性的影响,导致许多投资者对中国公司望而却步 [1][10] - 但这种广泛的厌恶情绪为反向投资者创造了有吸引力的机会,因为市场悲观情绪常常会造成低估值的机会 [11] - 百度和京东虽然面临当前挑战,但仍在展现出韧性和战略创新,为长期增长做好准备 [11] 百度 - 百度是中国领先的搜索引擎,拥有7.03亿用户,为消费者和广告主提供重要服务 [2] - 百度从核心搜索引擎业务中获利,并将利润有策略地再投资到人工智能、云计算、视频娱乐等新兴高增长领域 [3] - 百度最新一季度财报显示,搜索引擎业务收入增长放缓,但人工智能云业务表现良好,推动整体营收和利润增长 [6] - 百度发布了ERNIE 4.0 Turbo,提升了大语言模型的速度、降低成本和提高效率,并在无人驾驶领域取得重大进展 [8] 京东 - 京东是中国领先的电商平台,以直营和第三方商城并举的模式运营 [3][4] - 京东大幅投资物流网络,提升客户满意度,但也压缩了零售业务的利润空间 [4] - 京东近年来战略转型,进军医疗、金融科技等高毛利的服务业务,提升整体盈利能力 [4][7] - 京东最新一季度财报显示,服务业务拉动了整体收入和利润的增长 [7] - 京东宣布启动50亿美元的股票回购计划,彰显对公司长期价值的信心 [9]
Better Buy: Baidu or Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-11 18:10
文章核心观点 - 两家领先的科技公司的股价接近多年低点 [1] - 投资者普遍对中国公司持谨慎态度,担心中美政治紧张局势和中国长期发展前景不确定性 [1] - 尽管如此,仍有一些优质的中国公司值得长期持有,如百度和京东 [1] 百度业务模式总结 - 百度是中国领先的搜索引擎,拥有7.03亿用户,是中国消费者和广告主不可或缺的平台 [2] - 除核心搜索业务外,百度也是人工智能云计算、爱奇艺(中国版Netflix)和自动驾驶领域的领先者 [3] - 百度采用轻资产的高毛利商业模式,将搜索业务利润投入新兴业务拓展 [4] 京东业务模式总结 - 京东是中国版亚马逊,经营庞大的一二手电商平台,提供商品销售和物流配送服务 [4] - 京东重资产的电商业务模式导致利润率较低,近年来开始拓展医疗、金融科技等轻资产业务 [4][5] 机遇与风险 - 百度作为人工智能和自动驾驶领域的先行者,未来增长取决于这些新兴业务的发展 [6] - 但百度核心搜索业务近期增长乏力,需密切关注 [7] - 京东电商业务面临激烈竞争,未来发展取决于能否保持竞争力,同时新业务能否有效补充 [7][8] 投资建议 - 两家公司股价均处于低位,但面临宏观风险,投资者需权衡自身风险偏好 [9] - 投资者应根据自身对两家公司业务模式的理解,选择更适合自己的公司 [9]
2 Major Risks Investors Should Know Before Buying Baidu Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-06 18:30
Baidu's stock could be a value trap.The last few years have been challenging for most Chinese companies, with many seeing their market capitalization decline by more than 50%.While most investors shun these Chinese companies, contrarian investors have been busy hunting for good companies that are trading at bargain prices. Baidu (BIDU 0.52%), a leading Chinese technology company, captured investors' attention lately. A combination of low stock prices and the prospects from its newer ventures in areas like a ...
1 Historically Cheap Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock to Buy Hand Over Fist in September, and 1 to Avoid Like the Plague (and It's Not Nvidia)
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-05 17:21
Artificial intelligence (AI) may be all the rage on Wall Street, but no two AI stocks are created equally.Over the last three decades, there's been no shortage of next-big-thing trends that have dangled big dollar signs in front of investors. However, none of these innovations, technologies, or trends have captivated the attention of investors quite like artificial intelligence (AI).What makes the rise of AI so special is the potential for AI software and systems to learn and evolve without human interventi ...
Baidu: 7.4X P/E, Strong FCF And Capital Return Potential
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-01 19:19
V2images Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) reported better than expected second fiscal quarter results on August 21, 2024. China’s Google benefited from modest growth in its core business, especially Baidu Cloud, but also experienced some headwinds in its core digital advertising business due to a challenging macro situation in China. Baidu is still generating a ton of free cash flow for the benefit of shareholders, and I believe the Chinese large-cap tech firm has considerable capital return potential in 2024 and be ...
交银国际证券· 2024-08-27 19:45
报告公司投资评级 - 报告给予百度(BIDU US)买入评级,目标价为119美元,较当前股价有38.7%的潜在涨幅 [2][10] 报告的核心观点 百度核心业绩 - 2024年2季度百度核心业务收入267亿元人民币,同比增长1%,其中广告收入下降2%,云收入增长14% [5] - 百度核心调整后运营利润同比增长8%至70亿元,利润率26%,同比提升约2个百分点 [5][19] - 百度移动生态月活用户同比增4%至7.03亿,核心广告收入51%来自托管页面 [20] AI应用发展 - 文心大模型日调用量超6亿,6月推出ERNIE 4.0 Turbo,旗舰模型大幅降价,轻量级模型免费调用 [21] - 飞桨升级至3.0版,开发者达1470万,千帆大模型平台累计服务客户15万 [21][22] - 萝卜快跑2季度订单量89.9万,同比增26%,6月在武汉实现100%全无人驾驶服务 [23] 展望及估值 - 预计3季度核心广告收入同比下降3%,但AI云增速有望加速,综合预计核心收入同比增1% [7] - 预计3季度毛利同比下降3%,但经营杠杆优化或为核心业务带来相对稳定的运营利润率 [7] - 按SOTP估值,调整目标价至119美元,对应2024/25年11/10倍市盈率,维持买入评级 [7] 财务数据总结 - 2022-2026年,百度收入年复合增长率7.6%,净利润年复合增长率14.3% [8] - 2024年每股盈利75.57元人民币,同比下降6.6%,市盈率8.1倍 [8] - 2024年每股账面净值91.66元人民币,市净率6.68倍 [8]
Baidu's Stock Is Down Nearly 30% in 2024. Is It a Value Play?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-27 16:20
The Chinese tech giant still faces tough macro and competitive headwinds that will affect the investment thesis for the stock.Baidu (BIDU 0.61%) posted its second-quarter earnings report on Aug. 22. The Chinese tech giant's revenue stayed nearly flat at 33.93 billion yuan ($4.67 billion) and missed analysts' expectations by $70 million. Its adjusted earnings per American depositary share (ADS) dropped 7% to $2.89 but still exceeded the consensus forecast by $0.29.Baidu's stock price slipped after that mixed ...
Baidu's Robotaxi Has been Getting Closer To Scalable Adoption With Unit Economics Breakeven In Sight: Goldman Sachs
Benzinga· 2024-08-26 23:53
Goldman Sachs analyst Lincoln Kong maintained a Buy rating on Baidu, Inc BIDU with a price target of $129.Kong rerated the stock after hosting an NDR meeting with Baidu’s head of investor relations on August 23.The analyst flagged near-term ad revenue growth as being under pressure due to the ongoing artificial intelligence search renovation initiatives for a better user experience.The AI-cloud revenue is accelerating, with Artificial Intelligence Global Company (AIGC) related contributions taking up a larg ...
Baidu Q2: Lack Of Significant Shareholder Payouts Concerning
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-26 13:15
Yongyuan Dai I am selling my Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) (OTC:BAIDF) shares following the company's Q2 earnings print. Although Baidu delivered a solid quarter during the 3 months ending June, I am increasingly doubtful about management's ability, or willingness, to deliver shareholder value. In fact, in an analysis that I share in this research note, I highlight that Baidu is paying out (approx. $1 billion) less than 35% of its earnings to shareholders, compared to 115% for Alibaba (BABA). Moreover, considering di ...