PDD HOLDINGS INC. ANNOUNCEMENT: If You Have Suffered Losses in PDD Holdings Inc. f/k/a Pinduoduo Inc. (NASDAQ: PDD), You Are Encouraged to Contact The Rosen Law Firm About Your Rights
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-12 07:15
文章核心观点 - 根据阿肯色州总检察长蒂姆·格里芬的指控,PDD控股公司及其子公司WhaleCo公司违反了阿肯色州的欺骗性商业行为法(ADTPA)和个人信息保护法(PIPA) [4] - 格里芬总检察长表示,尽管Temu被称为一个电子商务平台,但它实际上是恶意软件和间谍软件,被故意设计用于获取用户手机操作系统的无限访问权限,可以越过用户的数据隐私设置,并从未经授权的数据收集中获利 [4] - 在这一消息公布后,PDD的美国存托凭证(ADR)在2024年6月26日下跌1.3%,6月27日下跌4.6% [5] 公司相关 - PDD控股公司(前称拼多多公司)是Temu电子商务平台的母公司之一 [4] - PDD控股公司及其子公司WhaleCo公司被指控违反了阿肯色州的相关法律 [4] - 根据投资者权益律师事务所罗森律师事务所的说法,他们正在准备一起集体诉讼,寻求弥补投资者损失 [2][3] 行业相关 - 尽管Temu被称为一个电子商务平台,但它被指控实际上是恶意软件和间谍软件,被故意设计用于获取用户手机操作系统的无限访问权限,可以越过用户的数据隐私设置,并从未经授权的数据收集中获利 [4]
Rosen Law Firm Encourages PDD Holdings Inc. Investors to Inquire About Securities Class Action Investigation - PDD
Prnewswire· 2024-07-11 08:14
NEW YORK, July 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, announces an investigation of potential securities claims on behalf of shareholders of PDD Holdings Inc. f/k/a Pinduoduo Inc. (NASDAQ: PDD) resulting from allegations that PDD may have issued materially misleading business information to the investing public.So what: If you purchased PDD securities you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangem ...
PDD Holdings Inc. Sponsored ADR (PDD) Rises Yet Lags Behind Market: Some Facts Worth Knowing
ZACKS· 2024-07-11 06:52
In the latest market close, PDD Holdings Inc. Sponsored ADR (PDD) reached $138.07, with a +0.25% movement compared to the previous day. The stock fell short of the S&P 500, which registered a gain of 1.02% for the day. Meanwhile, the Dow gained 1.09%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, added 1.18%.Shares of the company have depreciated by 6.27% over the course of the past month, outperforming the Conglomerates sector's loss of 6.3% and lagging the S&P 500's gain of 4.44%.Investors will be eagerly watching ...
Is PDD Holdings Inc. Sponsored ADR (PDD) a Buy as Wall Street Analysts Look Optimistic?
ZACKS· 2024-07-10 22:31
Investors often turn to recommendations made by Wall Street analysts before making a Buy, Sell, or Hold decision about a stock. While media reports about rating changes by these brokerage-firm employed (or sell-side) analysts often affect a stock's price, do they really matter?Before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage, let's see what these Wall Street heavyweights think about PDD Holdings Inc. Sponsored ADR (PDD) .PDD Holdings Inc. Sponsored ADR cur ...
Amazon Vs. Temu, Shein, TikTok Shop: Who's Winning The US E-Commerce Battle?
Benzinga· 2024-07-10 20:47
Loading...Loading...In the fierce battlefield of e-Commerce, Inc AMZN continues to reign supreme, but emerging challengers like PDD Holdings Inc‘s PDD Temu, Shein, and TikTok Shop are making significant strides.Wedbush Securities analyst Scott Devitt’s latest survey of over 1,000 U.S. consumers reveals intriguing shifts in spending habits and consumer satisfaction that investors need to watch closely.Amazon’s Dominance Remains UnshakenAmazon remains the e-Commerce kingpin, with 64% of surveyed co ...
PDD Holdings Inc. f/k/a Pinduoduo Inc. (PDD) Investigation: Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC Encourages Investors to Seek Compensation for Alleged Wrongdoings
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-10 06:38
NEW YORK, July 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Attorney Advertising--Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC is investigating potential claims on behalf of purchasers of PDD Holdings Inc. f/k/a Pinduoduo Inc. (“PDD” or “the Company”) (NASDAQ: PDD). Investors who purchased PDD securities are encouraged to obtain additional information and assist the investigation by visiting the firm’s site: Investigation Details On June 25, 2024, Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin announced a lawsuit against the ...
PDD Holdings is a Screaming Buy: Hypergrowth Stock at a Discount
MarketBeat· 2024-07-09 21:46
文章核心观点 - PDD Holdings是一家中国电子商务公司,主要经营两大在线业务:社交商务公司Pinduoduo和在线商城Temu [1] - Pinduoduo采用社交商务模式,通过社交媒体推广产品并实现直接购买,并通过招募家人朋友参与购买来获得更大折扣 [4][5] - Temu是PDD的第二大业务,提供极度便宜的商品,主要通过社交媒体病毒式传播,但也因商品质量差而受到争议 [6][7][8][9] - PDD股价呈现下降三角形走势,面临一些下行压力,但Q1财报表现出色,超出市场预期 [10][11][12][13] - 亚马逊可能推出类似Temu的直接从中国采购低价商品的新市场 [15] 公司概况 - PDD Holdings是一家多元化的中国电子商务集团,主要竞争对手包括阿里巴巴、京东和亚马逊等 [3] - Pinduoduo和Temu两大业务为公司带来了高速增长的收入 [1] - 公司在Q1 2024财报中实现了246%的净利润增长,超出市场预期 [13] - 公司现金和现金等价物达到335亿美元 [13] - 公司联合CEO表示公司的业绩不会呈线性增长,会有波动,但只要专注于长期价值创造,短期波动最终会收敛到内在价值的增长 [14] 行业动态 - 社交商务是一种新兴的电子商务模式,利用社交媒体推广产品并实现直接购买 [4] - Temu凭借极低的商品价格在美国市场迅速获得关注和下载量,但也因商品质量差而受到争议 [6][7][8][9] - 亚马逊可能推出类似Temu的直接从中国采购低价商品的新市场 [15]
What Will It Look Like if Amazon Tries To Take on Shein and PDD's Temu?
Investopedia· 2024-06-29 05:56
文章核心观点 - 亚马逊正计划开设一个专门销售来自中国的低价服装和日用品的专区,直接从中国供应商发货到美国消费者 [1][3][4][5] - 这是亚马逊为应对中国电商巨头如Shein和Temu在美国市场的快速增长而采取的举措 [2][8] - Shein在美国上市受阻,可能转而选择在伦敦证券交易所上市 [10][11] 行业概况 - 亚马逊希望通过这一举措来提供更多选择、更低价格和更大便利性给消费者 [5] - 目前亚马逊从中国进口的商品需要先进入亚马逊的仓储网络,然后再发货给消费者,这导致交货时间较长 [6] - 亚马逊正在努力区域化其仓储网络,以缩短交货时间,2023年有4亿件包裹当天或次日送达 [7] - Shein和Temu在美国市场增长迅速,Temu最近几个季度收入和利润均翻番或接近翻番 [8] 监管风险 - 考虑到Shein和Temu面临的美国监管和政治批评,包括被指使用强迫劳动,亚马逊的这一举措可能会受到美国政府的审查 [9] - Shein在美国上市受阻,可能转而选择在伦敦证券交易所上市 [10][11]
After Plunging -13.21% in 4 Weeks, Here's Why the Trend Might Reverse for PDD Holdings Inc. Sponsored ADR (PDD)
ZACKS· 2024-06-28 22:35
文章核心观点 - PDD Holdings Inc. Sponsored ADR (PDD)股价最近出现大幅下跌,但已进入超卖区域,且华尔街分析师普遍预期公司将报告优于此前预测的盈利数据 [1] - 相对强弱指数(RSI)是一个常用的技术指标,用于判断股票是否处于超卖状态,通常RSI低于30被视为超卖 [2][3] - 即使股票基本面良好,其价格也会在超买和超卖之间波动,RSI可以帮助快速判断股价是否接近反转点 [3][4] - 如果股票由于不合理的抛售压力而远低于其公允价值,投资者可以寻找入场机会,以获得股价必然反弹的收益 [4] 根据目录分类总结 公司情况 - PDD股价最近下跌13.2%,已进入超卖区域 [1] - 分析师预期公司将报告优于此前预测的盈利数据 [1][6] - 公司目前被评为Zacks Rank 1(强烈买入),处于行业前5%,这进一步表明其短期内有反弹潜力 [7] 行业分析 - 相对强弱指数(RSI)是判断股票是否超卖的常用技术指标 [2][3] - RSI低于30被视为超卖,表明股价可能即将反转 [2][5] - 即使股票基本面良好,其价格也会在超买和超卖之间波动,RSI可以帮助快速判断股价是否接近反转点 [3][4] - 如果股票由于不合理的抛售压力而远低于其公允价值,投资者可以寻找入场机会,以获得股价必然反弹的收益 [4]
Brokers Suggest Investing in PDD Holdings Inc. Sponsored ADR (PDD): Read This Before Placing a Bet
ZACKS· 2024-06-24 22:35
文章核心观点 - 华尔街分析师的股票评级建议对投资者决策有一定影响,但其可靠性存在局限性 [5][6] - 分析师的评级存在积极偏差,往往倾向于给出更多的"强烈买入"评级 [5][10] - 与分析师评级相比,Zacks Rank是一个更可靠的股票评级指标,能更准确预测股价走势 [7][11][12] 公司概况 - PDD Holdings Inc. Sponsored ADR目前的平均券商评级(ABR)为1.04,介于"强烈买入"和"买入"之间 [2][3] - 14家券商中,有13家给出"强烈买入"评级,占92.9%,1家给出"买入"评级,占7.1% [3] 投资建议 - 尽管分析师给出了买入评级,但仅依靠这一信息做出投资决策可能并不明智 [4] - 与分析师评级相比,Zacks Rank是一个更可靠的股票评级指标,能更准确预测股价走势 [7][11][12] - 根据Zacks Rank,PDD Holdings Inc. Sponsored ADR目前评级为Zacks Rank 1(强烈买入),这可作为投资参考 [16]